Mindfulness: The Key to Mental Health and Well-being

In these two-session workshops, Dr. B. Alan Wallace provided a theoretical background and practical guidance in the cultivation of mindfulness, which is the mental process by which we are able to focus our attention on a chosen topic without distraction or forgetfulness. To gain the greatest benefit for our mental health and balance, the cultivation of mindfulness goes hand-in-hand with introspection (or metacognition), by which we are able to inwardly monitor our desires, thoughts, and emotions. During the first session, participants explored the nature of cognitive intelligence, which enables us to make wise choices in terms of which desires to follow and which to release; and examined the nature of attentional intelligence, learning how to focus our attention with the three qualities of relaxation, stability, and clarity. During the second session, participants explored the nature of cognitive intelligence, which enables us to mindfully attend to reality as it is; and finally on emotional intelligence, which is crucial to all aspects of our professional and personal lives.