Beach Clean Up @ Pulau Ubin

In support of the PAYM Loves Red 2017 project, Residential College 4's RC4lunteers interest group has organised a Beach Clean Up at Pulau Ubin on 26 August 2017. Together with students from Meridian Junior College, RC4 students went to the beach near Jelutong campsite and were surprised to see the amount of trash washed up by the tides along the beaches.
During the cleanup, RC4lunteers members also taught the volunteers on the significance of Pulau Ubin as part of Singapore's heritage and national identity, as well as the importance of environmental protection. The volunteers learnt how to fold orchid origamis, as part of the celebration of the nation's birthday where the national flower is the Vanda Miss Joaquim.
All in all, it was a fruitful experience for everyone involved.