Project Orca 2017 (Vietnam)

Project Orca 2017
10th - 19th December 2017, Vietnam
Project Orca 2017 (Vietnam) is a 10D9N service learning project to Vietnam which serves as a continuation to Project Orca 2016 (Vietnam). Comprising of 22 students, 2 staff and 2 student translators, the team returned to Thanh Loc Commune for 7 days to conduct a series of computer literacy and English workshops for the students of Thanh Loc Primary School and Secondary School.
Both workshops were conducted in a fun and interactive manner to ensure that the students would be fully engaged, with lessons and specially crafted materials created entirely by our team. The computer literacy workshop provides students with exposure to basic computer programmes like Microsoft Word and Microsoft Powerpoint whereas the English workshops were designed to improve their confidence to communication in English. Prior to the trip, donated laptops were collected and refurbished by our team. The laptops were great assets in carrying out the computer literacy workshop, and were donated to the schools at the end of the workshops.
Returning from the commune, the team spent 3 days in Ho Chi Minh city to embrace the local culture and history. Project Orca aspires to enrich lives through education, and we hope to see it grow further in its third run.