Arts Night 2019: Re(Dis)cover

Arts Night 2019: Re(Dis)cover
22nd February 2019, Gateway Theatre
Arts Night is an annual arts concert that showcases and celebrates the artistic talents in Residential College 4, NUS. Over the past 4 years, this platform has been the most anticipated concert put together by our Arts interest groups. This is the biggest arts showcase of the year, during which performers gain an immense sense of pride for their art. Experienced and non-experienced residents are welcome to participate, making this an inclusive and welcoming platform for all to learn and grow. The audience will take away a deeper understanding of the different arts forms and their genres through this event.
Arts Night 2019: Re(Dis)cover aims to promote artistic abilities, cultivate and spread a vibrant arts culture within the college, NUS and outside NUS. Our vision for this year's Arts Night was to present a collaborative performance between the 4 Arts interest groups, spurring creativity and connection amongst the various art forms, as well as appreciation for the arts, among NUS' students. Our theme is growth and change, and as the title "Re(Dis)cover" implies, the story is about re-discovery of oneself and how to grow in a relationship.
Arts Night 2019 involved RC4's three different performing arts interest groups of RC4 - RC4MusicalExpression, RC4Theatre and R4D (a joint dance group consisting of RC4 and CAPT residents) and our recently student-initiated K-pop dance group, R4TWICE who performed publicly for the first time.