[Perspectives] Master’s Coconut Night – Dialogue with Dr. Zhou Lihan

Master's Coconut Night: Dialogue with Dr. Zhou Lihan
8th March 2022
Since SARS-CoV-2 virus has started to spread around the world from end 2019, COVID-19 disease has resulted in loss of thousands of lives and created significant social, economical and healthcare challenges, among others. Vaccination and testing are therefore important tools for Governments to protect their population through the pandemic.
Residential College 4 is glad to have Dr. Zhou Lihan, co-founder and CEO of MiRXES, to share how he led his team to transform the company with no manufacturing capacity to a world leader in disease early detention that produces a million COVID-19 PCR test kits a week that are exported to more than 45 countries worldwide.

Dr Zhou Lihan's sharing was very insightful. In his sharing, he showed us the various potential uses of microRNA (miRNA) analysis in the medical field such as possible detection of stomach cancer as well as detection of the Covid-19 virus.
Besides sharing with us the applications of the miRNA technology, what I found most fascinating was learning about his entrepreneurship journey. When he started, miRNA research was still in its infancy and its applications have not been fully realised. I was even more fascinated when he explained that he was partly motivated by the challenge of the difficulty of the miRNA technology and he wanted to prove that he could do it. Not only that, many advisors had suggested to Dr Zhou to carry out his research and development of miRNA outside of Singapore as the environment in Singapore was deemed insufficiently conducive. But Dr Zhou made the decision to keep his company in Singapore and through that decision, and we now have a highly successful home-grown company.
I found it fascinating listening to Dr Zhou's sharing about his decision-making processes. Listening to his anecdotes, I thought that I would not have the confidence to make the decisions that he had made. I admire his risk-taking strategies, thinking process and qualities that have allowed him to navigate through tough decision points to lead him to his current success. I learnt two things: you need to move out of your comfort zone and do difficult things, and you need to take risks. It was an interesting risk that he took and it ultimately paid off. Not every endeavour will be successful, but I appreciate how the speaker shared with us some of the decision processes that led to his current success.