STEER Bintan 2022

STEER Bintan 2022
4th - 9th July 2022
STEER Bintan 2022 was conceptualised as an integral part of the 4-MC interdisciplinary module, ‘Leadership at the Fringe’, offered by Residential College 4 in AY2021/22 Special Term II.
The module and 6-day, 5-night trip was led by A/P Tan Lai Yong, a medical doctor by training who was involved in poverty alleviation, community development, and training of village health workers in Yunnan, China, for 15 years, and has led around 10 NUS STEER trips to places like Botswana, China, India, and Myanmar previously.
The trip focused on two key themes: (1) climate change and its effects on the coastline, and (2) food security and sustainability.

The fishermen were leaders in their own ways as they innovated and circumvented problems they faced. Through my interactions with the local fishermen, I was inspired by their persistence and optimism despite the challenges they faced. They imparted an important lesson of adaptability, where they showed us that they were able to solve problems despite the limited resources they had.
Bethany Teo Yan Ping
What does it mean to be a leader? Before embarking on this module, I believed that a leader is one who leads and directs, who plans and executes. However, the various perspectives from each field trip have widened my view on successful leadership, as it does not only encompass leading others, but also focuses on a passion to serve and reproducing a sustainable outcome.
Sim Yew Chong
I have come to realise that instead of giving up on the idea of helping, it is just that my approach as well as many others are ineffective. Effective intervention comes when leaders are on the ground to observe the situation and understand the intricacies of the context surrounding the beneficiaries as that way it is more likely that the leader can find leverage points in the system where help can be most effective in changing the system for the better.