RC4 Parent’s Night 2024

RC4 Parent's Night 2024
13 October 2024
Written by Ijaz Ahamed S/O Habib Mohammed
A home away from home, Residential College 4 (RC4) serves as a second family to many of its residents. Thus, it’s only fair that their first family get introduced to their second. This became reality as parents and family members of residents were invited to the Parents Night 2024 on 13 October 2024. The annual tradition, previously put on hold due to the pandemic, was revived for RC4’s 10th Anniversary, providing parents and family members a glimpse into the vibrant life their children experience at the college.
Upon arrival, parents were greeted with a catered buffet offering a variety of cuisines. As the parents ate their dinner together with their children, they had the opportunity to read about the different interest groups and events happening in RC4, as posters were displayed for them outside the Multi-Purpose Sports Hall (MPSH). Parents also had the opportunity to interact with the staff of RC4, including the Master of RC4, Professor Peter Pang.
The evening commenced with a speech from Prof. Peter Pang, followed by director of studies, Dr. Navarun Varma. Parents had an insight into the academic programme of RC4, which included our academic focus, the different approaches to education RC4 adopts and the various courses RC4 offers. Parents were able to understand the benefits their child would gain from enrolling into these courses, and how it would shape them to be equipped with necessary skills such as critical thinking.
Following the speeches, the audience was treated to a mesmerising performance by RC4’s very own student band, The Unemployed. Aditya Jayaraj, the drummer for the band, shared, “I was nervous as it was my first time performing in front of my parents. I have performed many times but never in front of my parents. It was a great experience and I think it is safe to say my parents thoroughly enjoyed the performance.”
Resident tour guides also brought the parents around key facilities of the college, allowing them to see where their children spend most of their time in RC4. From the dining hall to seminar rooms, to the different theme rooms in RC4, parents were able to gain insight into the lives of their children away from their home. Many parents were surprised to see the various entertainment options RC4 had to offer, such as pool and mahjong tables, which added to their appreciation of the living environment RC4 offers.
The evening continued with an address by the director of student life, Dr. Naviyn Prabhu Balakrishnan, who spoke about the different aspects of student life in RC4. From more intellectually rigorous events such as the RC4 Entrepreneurship Pitching Competition to more artistic and sporty events such as Arts Night and Inter College Games, showcasing the amount of opportunities RC4 provided its residents to improve and enhance themselves beyond their academics. The director of external programmes, Dr. Lynette Tan Yuen Ling, also shared the different external programmes RC4 offers its residents. From formal learning programmes that include overseas trips as part of the course, to volunteer programmes such as STEER, parents gained knowledge on the different ways their child could expand their learning to not just beyond the classroom, but beyond the country too.
Parents left the event feeling elated by the opportunities their children have to grow both intellectually and [NB5] personally. Not only had they gotten to know more about their child’s education journey, but had also gotten to experience a night in their home away from home.
Mr. Andrew Siew, father of resident Chloe Siew Ying Ning, quipped he enjoyed the tours provided by the guides. “Overall it was good. The information was clear and the events were appropriate. The facilities were clean, well kept and organised. I would say that RC4 has a very conducive environment for cohorts to achieve their goals,” Mr. Siew shared, capturing how RC4 creates opportunities for its residents to grow as leaders of change.