How Much Income Inequality is Fair?

How Much Income Inequality is Fair (2)

How Much Income Inequality is Fair?

1st August 2019, 7pm-8.30pm, Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium


Answer to a 200-year Old Open Question in Economics and Political Philosophy

Extreme economic inequality is widely seen as a serious threat to the future of stable and vibrant capitalist democracies. In 2015, the World Economic Forum in Davos identified deepening income inequality as the number one challenge of our time.

Yet some inequality is inevitable, even desirable and necessary, for capitalist societies to work productively. As different people have different skills, and different capacities for work, they make different contributions in a society, some more, others less. Therefore, it is only fair that those who contribute more earn more.

But how much more? What is the fairest inequality of income?