The Unconventional College Experience: A Lawyer's Journey in RC4

OrcaStories_Prabu Devaraj_Behind the Scene of the Performances

RC4's Artistic Soul is Ignited Through Passion From Every Corner

By Beatrix Tang


Meet Prabu Devaraj (Dev), the artistic visionary behind RC4's thriving arts community. Dev took it upon himself to become the inspiration behind RC4's cultural revival from a rather ordinary beginning. We had the honour of learning more about his remarkable path to establishing the arts scene in our very own college. Before diving into his story about his RC4 journey and the foundation of the Arts Night and Theatre Interest Group (IG), let's take a deep breath and walk down memory lane with Dev as he recalls what drew him to RC4.

When asked why he chose RC4 over other residential institutions, his answer was straightforward: he didn't want to fit into a “predetermined stereotype”. Dev, who comes from a more creative background, saw RC4 as a chance to co-create his own identity rather than fit into an already established one. Active in Singapore's poetry and literary scenes, and holding theatre and acting close to his heart, Dev recognised a chance to enrich the cultural and artistic life of RC4 and became actively involved in the Arts scene of RC4 as soon as he joined. That motivated him to start up the RC4 Theatre interest group. It wasn't long before he proposed the concept of organising an RC4 Arts Night to the RC4 management, motivated by his desire to provide memorable performances featuring the hidden talents in dance and music that people would remember for years to come.

RC4 Theatre Interest Group

The proposal for the Arts Night quickly gained traction and it became one of the most anticipated events in the RC4 calendar, showcasing the talents of residents, including musicians, dancers, and actors. Dev fondly recalls the chaos of the first Arts Night, with residents scrambling to put together their acts in the limited time they had. Nonetheless, it was a huge success, and subsequent Arts Nights only got bigger and better.

The Very First Arts Night

Dev's involvement in the RC4’s arts scene significantly influenced how he experienced college. It offered him a sense of belonging and purpose and allowed him to interact with people from all fields and backgrounds. He believed that RC4 was more than just “a place to reside in”; RC4 was a community that supported self-expression and creativity. Dev received the kind of outside-the-home experience through RC4 that he was seeking in his university journey.

His search for his desired "outside-the-home" experience was not without its difficulties for there were times when he felt out of place in University. Nonetheless, he was able to do so by settling into RC4. Dev appreciated the fact that RC4 provided him a close-knitted, accepting, open-minded, and safe environment that not only allowed him to be himself, but also provided him "respite" from the academic rigours of law school. He sentimentally sounded: “I still remember the last day I walked out of RC4, I can remember the exact scene, looking back at my room and walking out, and it was leaving something behind, and I think this feeling that was felt among many people; if you’ve created a life there, you have lived, cried, laughed, all of that, it’s all contained in this one geographical space, it really feels quite significant.”

In his final words of our interview, he offered this advice for students: “Do your due diligence, I suppose propagate the RC4 identity as much as you can. It’s very nice to look back and say I contributed something and it’s still there; it’s a very comforting feeling. Cause you’re gonna do a lot of things wrong, it’s very comforting to know that you did something right.” These words from Dev speak to the desire we all have to leave a positive mark on the people and the environment, to contribute something that endures and brings comfort to others. It is a reminder that we will inevitably make mistakes, but that we can find solace in knowing that we have done something good. May we learn to embrace the unique perspectives and experiences of our fellow residents, explore new opportunities, and continue to push boundaries as we grow and thrive in this vibrant home.

Performance at Drama Centre, National Library Building