Latest Events

As students of RC4, you will have abundant possibilities to shape life at the college by proposing, developing and participating in sports, cultural and societal engagement activities. You will also indulge in college governance and develop leadership skills.

Arts Night 2024: Morph
On 27 February 2024, Residential College 4 (RC4) celebrated our 10th year anniversary with 'Arts Night 2024: Morph'.
Operation Tealsday 2024: Oscar’s Oasis Odyssey
This year's Ops Tealsday held an even greater significance as it coincided with RC4's 10th anniversary celebration and the grand opening of Oasis, a serene space thoughtfully co-created by RC4 staff, faculty, and students.
SFI Indonesia 2023
In December 2023, students from the Southeast Asia Friendship (SFI) course UTS2708/UTC2717: “Water Governance in Asia from a Systems Worldview”, embarked on a transformative field trip to Indonesia, where they delved into the complex dynamics of water management and policy.
[Perspectives] The Reality of Navigating Wicked Problems in Public Policy
On November 7, "Perspectives" hosted government officers Mingjing Lim from the Ministry of Finance and Jian Wei Heng from the National Climate Change Secretariat. Their talk provided a snapshot of Singapore’s approach to environmental goals and healthcare improvements, examining the practicalities and hurdles in adopting complexity science within the civil service.
Nativism in Ecology: A Xenophobic Metaphor?
On 27 October 2023, Prof Maharaj Pandit, who is visiting NUS as a Ngee Ann Kongsi Distinguished Professor, gave a public lecture entitled “Nativism in Ecology: A Xenophobic Metaphor?” An engaging tour de force of history, geology, geography, ecology and biodiversity, with particular focus on Singapore and Southeast Asia, the talk provoked the audience to ponder “if species’ geographic distribution is a natural phenomenon, is the native-alien debate, spurred by invasion biology, relevant or even necessary?”