Latest Events

As students of RC4, you will have abundant possibilities to shape life at the college by proposing, developing and participating in sports, cultural and societal engagement activities. You will also indulge in college governance and develop leadership skills.

[Perspectives] Living Ahead of the Times
Prof Tan Tin Wee put Singapore on the world map. He was inducted into the inaugural Internet Hall of Fame in 2012 for being a global pioneer of the Internet and for inventing multilingual domain names which is now a global Internet standard called IDN.
Freshmen Orientation Camp 2023
Residential College 4’s annual Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) welcomes incoming Year 1s and inducts them into the “Small Systems, Big Hearts” culture through meaningful team activities. Held from 2nd to 5th August 2023, the aim of FOC is to allow incoming freshmen transition into the new living and learning environment easier, while forging strong bonds with their peers.
Leadership at the Fringe in Lombok and Pulau Sumba, Indonesia
In May & July 2023, as part of their Southeast Asia Friendship Initiative (SFI) course, UTC2725/UTS2712: Leadership at the Fringe, a total of 41 students joined A/P Tan Lai Yong and Dr. Li Jingping to Lombok and Pulau Sumba, Indonesia. The trip allowed the students to explore leadership at the fringe, with a focus on two United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – Food Security (Zero Hunger) and Climate Change (Climate Action).
Flag 2023
Flag 2023 is a project where RC4, as one of NUSSU’s Rag-And-Flag (RnF) 2023 participating bodies, helps to raise funds and conduct engagement sessions with our partner beneficiary, Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH). Hence, fundraising activities such as flower and merchandise sales were conducted progressively to consistently raise funds for our partner beneficiary.
Open House 2023
Residential College 4 Open House 2023 has successfully provided more than 1000 prospective students and their families with a comprehensive understanding of the unique living-and-learning experience offered at RC4.