Mark Brooke

Mark Brooke<br><span class="title-fellow">Senior Lecturer and Lead for Faculty Development</span>

Mark Brooke

Senior Lecturer and Lead for Faculty Development | +6601 1226

Office: CELC #02-24 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

Dr. Mark BROOKE holds an EdD from the UK's University of Durham. His thesis explored teaching critical reflection to undergraduate student teachers of English during practicum. Mark is interested in building an effective faculty development programme through projects such as collaborative classroom initiatives and mentoring partnerships. He also currently teaches and researches CLIL in higher education focusing on pedagogy and sport sociology. Mark is an active member of both the LCT Centre for Knowledge-Building and the SFL Interest Group. He has published extensively using both theories for educational practices such as teacher training, teacher talk, and student production of research papers in the social sciences. Mark also researches social issues in sport such as the impact of the Paralympics movement for people with disabilities.

Recent Modules Coordinated And Taught

IEM2201E Sport and Socialization: To what extent can sport participation be empowering or dis-empowering? I am particularly interested in sport as a site for socializing citizens into ways of thinking and doing. My teaching focuses on advocating diversity., and social justice. We explore disability rights, inclusive masculinity, feminism, and critical race theory through sport-related subject-matter.

IEM1201E Sport and Competition: What is the nature of competition in sport today? I am interested in exploring what represents human endeavour and what types of human interactions exist through sport. Is doping a reflection of unhealthy competition? Is it possible to change the way we view competition with new sports such as Tchoukball and Ultimate Frisbee?

Grant Projects

CDTL Teaching Enhancement Grant Research: Reflecting across the disciplines (2/3 years). PI: Dr Lydia Lau from the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies. Cis: Dr Vivien Wu and Dr Chan Yah Shih from the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies and Dr Namala Tilakaratna and Dr. Laetitia Monbec from the Centre for English Language Communication (CELC).

Editorial Board Membership

Teaching in Higher Education

Communication and Sport

Selected Publications (since 2017)


Brooke, M. (2019). Case Studies in Sport Socialisation. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Research Networks

Ho, M.W & Brooke, M. (2017). Practical Guide to Project-Based Learning. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing

Book Chapters

Brooke, M. (2022). Exploring Masculinities in Ancient and Up-and-Coming Sports in South East Asia. In D. Pompper (Ed.). Rhetoric of Masculinity: Male Body Image, Media, and Gender Role Stress/Conflict. Lexington Books.

Tilakaratna, N., Brooke, M., Monbec, L., Lau, L., Wu, V., Chan, Y. S. (2020). Insights into an interdisciplinary project on critical reflection in nursing: Using Systemic Functional Linguistic and Legitimation Code Theory to enhance SoTL research and practice. In Rachel C. Plews and Michelle L. Amos (eds). Evidence-Based Faculty Development Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.

Brooke, M. (2019). WebQuests and screencasts: Strategies for teaching EAP at the National University of Singapore. In L. T. Wong & W. L. H. Wong (Eds.), Teaching and learning English for academic purposes. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Book Reviews (Nordic Sports Science Forum: Mark Brooke on |

  • Ageing, Physical Activity, Recreation and Wellbeing Barbara Humberstone & Maria Konstantaki (red) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016.
  • Dark Sides of Sport Jorg Krieger & Stephan Wassong (eds.) Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2019.
  • Global Sports Fandom in South Korea: American Major League Baseball and Its Fans in the Online Community Younghan Cho London: Palgrave Macmillan 2020.
  • Sex Integration in Sport and Physical Culture: Promises and Pitfalls Alex Channon, Katherine Dashper, Thomas Fletcher & Robert J. Lake (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017
  • Sport and Physical Activity across the Life Span: Critical Perspectives Rylee A. Dionigi & Michael Gard (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2018.
  • Routledge Handbook of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise Brett Smith & Andrew C. Sparkes (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016.
  • When Women Rule the Court: Gender, Race, and Japanese American Basketball Nicole Willms New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2017.
  • Who Owns Sport Andrew Adams & Leigh Robinson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019.

Journal Articles

Applied Linguistics & Pedagogy

  • Brooke, M. (2022). A Corpus-Based Approach to Teaching Reporting Verbs and Linking Adverbs in Undergraduate Literature Reviews. TESOL Communications, 1(1), 1-11.
  • Brooke, M. (2021). Teaching Theme choice in Literature Reviews to Undergraduate Students. IATEFL ESP SIG Journal: Professional and Academic English, 28(1), 19-35
  • Monbec, L., Tilakaratna, N., Brooke, M., Lau, S. T., Chan, Y. S., & Wu, V. (2021). Designing a rubric for reflection in nursing: a Legitimation Code Theory and systemic functional linguistics-informed framework. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 46(8), 1157-1172.
  • Brooke, M., Lee, K. C., So-Sum Wai-Cook, M., Segarra Navera, G., & Tang Kum Khuan, J. (2020) Trekking the Educator Track at a Research-Intensive University: Five Accounts of Different Career Levels, International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: 14(2), 1-12.
  • Brooke, M. (2020). Seeking to Reduce Physical Distancing Using Socratic Dialogue in Teacher Feedback. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 2(3), 32-40.
  • Brooke, M. (2020). Applying semantic gravity wave profiles to develop undergraduate students' academic literacy. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 43(3), 228-246
  • Brooke, M. (2020). Guiding teacher talk in the Content and Language Integrated Learning classroom using Semantics from Legitimation Code Theory. Teaching in Higher Education, 25(7), 812-824, DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2019.1598968
  • Tilakaratna, N. L., Brooke, M., & Monbec, L. (2019). Reflective writing across the disciplines: Challenging Western critical thinking models in the Asian context. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(2) 119-141.
  • Brooke, M. (2019). Using semantic gravity profiling to develop critical reflection, Reflective Practice, DOI: 10.1080/14623943.2019.1682986
  • Brooke, M., Monbec, L., & Tilakaratna, N. (2019). The analytical lens: developing undergraduate students' critical dispositions in undergraduate EAP writing courses. Teaching in Higher Education, 24(3), 428-443.
  • Brooke, M. (2018). Content and Language Integrated Learning for first and second-year university students: Aspirations, challenges and solutions. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(7), 778-784.
  • Brooke, M. (2017). Process and product: A depiction of an action researcher'slearning from reflective writing in an Asian university setting. Transformative Dialogues: teaching and learning eJournal, 10(3), 1-12.
  • Brooke, M. (2017). Developing a reflective disposition in TESOL. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 6(2) 165-182.
  • Brooke, M. (2017). Using 'semantic waves' to guide students through the research process: from adopting a stance to sound cohesive academic writing. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Sociology Of Sport

  • Khoo S, Ansari P, John J, Brooke M. The Top 50 Most Cited Articles on Special Olympics: A Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(16), 10150.
  • Brooke M, Khoo S. (2021). Insider Perspectives on the Sustainability of the Malaysian and Singaporean Paralympic Movements. Sustainability, (10):5557.
  • Brooke, M. (2020). 'FEMINIST' in the Sociology of Sport: an analysis using Legitimation Code Theory and Corpus Linguistics. Ampersand
  • Cheong, J., Khoo, S., Inoue, C., Jhalukpreya S., Cheong, N., Esfahani, M., Lin, P., Brooke, M., Li, Y., Chun, J., Alshahrany, A., & Razman, R. (2020). An 11-country analysis of newspaper coverage of the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, Disability & Society, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2020.1756746
  • Brooke, M. (2019). The Language of Dragon Boating in Hong Kong and Singapore. Alicante Journal of English Studies, 32, 45-65.
  • Chan, S., & Brooke, M. (2019). 'Gimme diplomacy': a critical discourse analysis on golf diplomacy between Singapore and the United States. Sport in Society, 22(1), 1-25.
  • Brooke, M. (2019). The Singaporean Paralympics and its Media Portrayal: Real Sport? Men-Only? Communication & Sport , 7(4), 446-465.
  • Brooke, M. (2017). Masculinity in Singapore: the residual culture of the Chinese martial artist. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics, 20(3), 1-13


Selected Presentations (since 2019)

  • Brooke, M. (2022). Football Yada Yada: Learning how to reflect critically about sport as a social field. The 6th CELC Symposium. Teaching English language and communication in a changing landscape: innovations and possibilities. National University of Singapore.
  • Cook, M., & Brooke, M. (2021).  Effective teaching practices in supporting students in and beyond class time in an online academic literacy module. Australia-ASEAN Academics ForumAustralia-ASEAN Academics Forum (AAAF) – Online Education During Covid-19 and Beyond (
  • Brooke, M. (2021). Developing undercapitalized students-as-social-science-researchers through sport and socialisation. English Across the Curriculum (EAC), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  • Tilakaratna, N., Brooke, M., Cook, M., Monbec, L., Wong, J.O. (2021). Building student creativity, critical thinking, and academic literacy in a CLIL academic writing programme. English Across the Curriculum (EAC), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  • Brooke, M., So-Sum Wai-COOK, M., & Ramazanu, S. (2021). Seeking to Reduce Physical Distancing in Teacher-Student Interactions. Online Education: Teaching in a Time of Change. AMPS: Architecture, Media, Politics, Society
  • Tilakaratna, N, L., Brooke, M., Monbec, L., Wu X. V. Chan Y. S., Lau, S.T.L. (2020). Online teaching interventions and effective pedagogy: A case study of a flipped seminar on critical reflection for nursing studies. Higher Education Campus Conference (e-HECC). National University of Singapore.
  • Brooke, M. (2019). Applying Semantic Gravity Wave Profiles to Develop Undergraduate Students' Academic Literacy. English in South East Asia Conference, Singapore.
  • Tilakaratna, N., Brooke, M., & Monbec, L. (2019). Insights into an Interdisciplinary Project on Critical Reflection in Nursing. English in South East Asia Conference, Singapore.
  • Brooke, M. (2019). Teaching theme choice in IMRD literature reviews. Scholarship of English Language Teaching and Learning: Creating Spaces for Inquiring Teacher Practices and Evidencing Student Learning Organized, Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore.
  • Ramanujan, A., Angove, C., Brooke, M., Segarra Navera, G., Tan, L,. Wong, J.O., Wade, P. W., & Banta, J. (2019). Negotiating curriculum design in an integrated academic English writing course: The UTWP model. Scholarship of English Language Teaching and Learning: Creating Spaces for Inquiring Teacher Practices and Evidencing Student Learning Organized, Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore.
  • Tilakaratna, N., Brooke, M. & Monbec, L., (2019). Insights into an interdisciplinary project on critical reflection in Nursing. Higher Education Campus Conference (HECC), National University of Singapore.
  • Monbec, L., Tilakaratna, N. & Brooke, M. (2019). Theory for the Reflective Educational Practitioner. Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning, National University of Singapore.
  • Brooke, M., Monbec, L., Tlikiratna, N. (2019). The analytical lens: developing undergraduate students’ critical dispositions in English for Academic Purposes writing courses. Experts, knowledge and criticality in the age of ´alternative facts’: re-examining the contribution of higher education.  Society for Research in Higher Education, London.
  • Brooke, M. (2019). Teaching Content Obligatory Language applying Semantics from Legitimation Code Theory. RELC International Conference & Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association Conference, Singapore.