NUS Open Day 2016 @ RC4


This Open Day, the highlight of your visit to our college will be a personalized and interactive tour of our college and its facilities, which include a baking room, games room, and a host of lounges. Through our extensive line-up of activities and showcases, visitors and prospective students can learn and get a flavour of our vibrant college culture. Visitors can also get a peek at the plethora of college events we have organised the previous year, and the activities we plan to have the following year.

Our college aims to promote a holistic approach to learning through incorporating academics and student life. Our unique academic curriculum focuses on 'Systems Thinking', which involves an understanding of the inter-connectedness and inter-dependency of natural and man-made phenomena. This circular and dynamic nature of causes and effects provides our students with perspectives that will last them a lifetime, regardless of the calling or career that they may choose to follow later in life.