Latest Events

As students of RC4, you will have abundant possibilities to shape life at the college by proposing, developing and participating in sports, cultural and societal engagement activities. You will also indulge in college governance and develop leadership skills.

Parents’ Night 2019
Organised by RC4 CSC External Liaison Committee, residents' parents were invited to the college, where they learned more about the academic program, student life and what RC4 is...
[Praxis] Bake & Chat With A Vegan
RC4's OrcaBakes partnering with NUS VEGE (Vision of Equality for a Greener Earth - a student-run group that aims to introduce the NUS Community & members of the public to the concept...
NUS Day of Service 2019
he NUS Day of Service is a day when the whole NUS family comes together to give back to the community through service and action. This event reinforces NUS' strong tradition...
Singapore Mindfulness Conference 2019
Discover Neuroplasticity, Mind-Body Medicine & Behavioural Transformation at the Singapore Mindfulness Conference 2019. Featuring more than 25 international and local experts, mindfulness workshops...
Critical Thinking Skills in System Dynamics
RC4 Lecturer and Resident Fellow Elizabeth Ong Ling Lee presented her paper, "Critical Thinking Skills in System Dynamics" at a Parallel Session at the International System Dynamics Conference 2019 in Albuquerque...