Latest Events

As students of RC4, you will have abundant possibilities to shape life at the college by proposing, developing and participating in sports, cultural and societal engagement activities. You will also indulge in college governance and develop leadership skills.

Visit to Keppel FELS
A group of RC4 students have the privilege of visiting Keppel FELS on 3 December 2015. The visit allow them to have a better understanding of working at Keppel FELS and the marine industry in general....
Halloween Dinner 2015
The first ever informal "horrific-comedy" Halloween-themed dinner was organised by the College, providing residents a different dining experience in our very own dining hall....
Slumber Party 2015
RC4 College Students' Committee has organsied a special party for all RC4 students - the Slumber Party. The event has seen positive responses from the college community where they gathered...
Tea With Rector
Tea with Rector...
Inter-House Games 2015
On 19th & 22nd September 2015, RC4 have seen its first Inter-House Games played by the 5 different Houses. Organised by the Clubs & Societies Committee, the Games aim to provide an opportunity...