Vivian Ng

Assoc. Prof. Vivian NG<br>
<span class="title-fellow">Resident Fellow (House of Leo)</span>

Assoc. Prof. Vivian NG

Resident Fellow (House of Leo) | +65 65162573

Associate Professor Vivian Ng has been a faculty at the Electrical and Computer Engineering department since 1997. She read her degree in Physics under a Public Service Commission scholarship and received her Bachelor of Science in 1993 from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. She then pursued her PhD in Microelectronics in Cambridge University under the Schlumberger Cambridge scholarship from 1993-1997.

Upon joining NUS, A/P Ng set up the Information Storage Materials Laboratory (1998) and the Nanotechnology Facility (1999). The latter is one of the first facilities in NUS with nanostructure fabrication capabilities to serve as a core facility. Her research interests focus on nanofabrication, or making things small, and studying properties of nanostructures due to the downscaling of dimensions.

At the Electrical and Computer Engineering department, A/P Ng served as the Associate Head for Student Life from 2012 to 2014 when she set up the Student Life unit. She introduced a few initiatives such as the Undergraduate Student Council and peer tutoring.  From 2014 to 2017, A/P Ng then served as the Deputy Head for Undergraduate Programmes & Student Life where she led a major curriculum redesign exercise.

During the period 2017-2019, A/P Ng was with the Office of Student Affairs where she served as the Vice Dean of Students. She worked on several new initiatives to strengthen student mental wellness. She played a key role in the setting up of the Student Support Service unit (now the Student Wellness unit); started the set up ‘PitStop’ which has now branched out to different locations on campus;  initiated the Peer Student Supporters scheme which has been adopted in various residential settings; and formed a support group for student support managers from different faculties. She was part of the Mental Wellness Core Working Group to advance NUS’ mental wellness strategies. A/P Ng also had a major role in the set up of PGP House (now Pioneer House) and presided over disciplinary proceedings in the Office of Student Affairs.

A/P Ng had served as a Resident Advisor at Gillman Heights (1999-2000) and Prince Georges’ Park Residences (2000-2003).  She took a long break from residential living to take care of her family and has now returned to residential living with the students at RC4. She is passionate about working with students and making a difference to student life through active mentoring.

Outside of work, A/P Ng is a mother of 3 girls. She enjoys walking in nature, discovering new countries and cultures; and exploring music.