Laetitia Monbec

Laetitia Monbec<br><span class="title-fellow">Senior Lecturer</span>

Laetitia Monbec

Senior Lecturer | +6516 3868

Office: CELC #03-02 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

Twitter: @LaetitiaM19

Dr Laetitia MONBEC is Senior Lecturer at the CELC. She holds a Doctorate in Education with a focus on Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) application to English for Academic Purposes. Before working in NUS, she taught in Hong Kong City University, and Baptist University. She holds a BA in Chinese Studies and an Med in Education and Technology. At NUS, she has coordinated and developed an EAP module, CLIL modules on Colour Semiotics, and recently an interdisciplinary module on communication strategies for Design, Architecture and Engineering students.

Her scholarship and publications concern the nature and place of knowledge about language in the higher education classroom, cumulative learning, disciplinary discourse analysis, rubrics design, critical thinking, and colour semiotics. She often uses elements of SFL and Legitimation Code Theory to explore these. She is also interested in developing a sociological knowledge of the EAP field and is currently co-editing a volume on EAP practitioner agency and identity with A/P Alex Ding and contributors from around the globe as part of the Bloomsbury Series New Perspectives in EAP.

She is currently on the Executive Committee of BALEAP (the Global Forum of Lecturers in EAP) in charge of Research & Publications, a role she shares with Dr Cowley-Haselden; She is a founding member of the LCT South-East Asia SIG with Dr Tilakaratna and Dr Brooke (

She has reviewed on a range of academic journals including JEAP, JALL, Multimodality and Society.

Recent Modules/Courses Taught and/or Coordinated

  • CDE2000 Creating Narratives
  • UTW2001Z The Semiotics of Colour
  • UTW1001Z Colour: Theory, Meaning and Practices
  • ES1103 English for Academic Purposes

Award & Recognition

  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award, NUS, 2017/2018

Educational Research Funded Projects

  • CDTL Teaching Enhancement Grant Research: Reflecting across the disciplines (2/3 years). PI: Dr Namala Tilakaratna. CI: Dr. Mark Brooke, Dr. Laetitia Monbec, Dr Vivien Wu and Dr Lydia Lau from the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies. (2019-2022)

Selected Publications

Selected Invited Presentations

  • Monbec, L. (7th Dec 2021). Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics in an EGAP module: Students as discourse analysts. Language Teaching and Research Forum, International Study and Language Institute. Reading University, UK.
  • Tilakaratna, N., Brooke, M., & Monbec, L. (27th May, 2021). Designing Effective pedagogy: An LCT integrated project for critical reflections in Nursing. Rountable at the Legitimation Code Theory Centre for Knowledge Building, Sydney University.
  • Monbec, L. (28th January 2021). Colour Semiotics for design students. Invited talk at the Division of Industrial Design, National University of Singapore.
  • Monbec, L. (31st July 2020). Theory and practice in EAP: Bridging the divide to include and empower practitioners. Plenary presented at the Language Centre Summer Conference, Leeds University, UK. Video Link to the Plenary

Selected Recent Conference Talks

  • Monbec, L (15th September, 2021). Colour semiotics in political movements. Presented at the 30th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference (esflc2021), Sheffield University, UK.
  • Ding, A. & Monbec, L. (30th May, 2021). A socio-analysis of EAP. CEAPA Conference, Jiaotong University, China.
  • Monbec, L. (9th April 2021).Transfer from EGAP: a matter of knowledge, pedagogy and affiliation. Paper presented at the BALEAP 2021 Conference 'Exploring pedagogical approaches in EAP teaching'. University of Glasgow, 6-10 April, 2021.
  • Monbec, L. (10th January 2021). Developing Academic Literacy through a CLIL module on Colour. Paper presented at the HKCPD Virtual International Conference 2021 'Innovative teaching and research in ELT'. Hong Kong, 8-10 January 2021.
  • Monbec, L. (2019). Redefining the English for Academic Purposes Common Core Curriculum. Paper presented at the 20th English in South East Asia Conference (ESEA), 6 & 7 December 2019. National Institute of Education, Singapore.
  • Tilakaratna, N., Brooke, M., & Monbec, L. (2019). Insights into an interdisciplinary project on critical reflection in Nursing. Paper presented at the 20th English in South East Asia Conference (ESEA), 6 & 7 December 2019. National Institute of Education, Singapore.
  • Monbec, L. (2019). Making language visible: Accessing the codes for teaching and learning. Lesson Demonstration presented at the Learning on NUS Campus, 19th November 2019. National University of Singapore.
  • Monbec, L. (2018). Supporting students; academic literacy: a social semiotic case study in the STEM disciplines. Paper presented at the 8th Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TLHE): Campus Conference, 25 September 2018, National University of Singapore, Singapore.