Latest Events

As students of RC4, you will have abundant possibilities to shape life at the college by proposing, developing and participating in sports, cultural and societal engagement activities. You will also indulge in college governance and develop leadership skills.

[Perspectives] Rector’s Ice Cream Night: Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Stories “Style, not Fashion”
Ms. Elieen Bygrave who started her career in advertising and ventured into fashion and retail industries, shared her rich experiences with RC4 residents who were treated with...
[Praxis] Take Action – Beyond Paper Qualifications
Hosted by Quek Xiu Juan Caroline of RC4 CSC's Liaison Committee, an interesting resume workshop was held at the Master's Common Lounge where participants brought their CVs to consult Ms. Ho Zhi Hui....
[Perspectives] Music for Healing – Science or Art
Jonathan Tang, who have received his music therapy board certification from the USA and has experience in medical music therapy interacted with RC4 residents though musical...
[Perspectives] Global Islamophobia and Singapore’s Model of Interfaith Harmony
Dr. Nazirudin Mohd Nasir is currently the Mufti of Singapore based at the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS). He is also a Member of the Presidential Council for Religious Harmony...
[Perspectives] The Power of Design – Invincible, Not Invisible
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, RC4 has conducted the first online Perspectives on the topic of design with over 40 residents attended. Radhika recently graduated from Royal College Art...